Season’s Greetings from Parsons Interiors

Parsons Interiors Ltd |

Season’s Greetings from Parsons Interiors

To our valued customers,

As we say farewell to 2019, we reflect on the past year with gratitude for the support we've received from you, our customer. None of our successes and growth could have been possible without you.

This year, there was much excitement among the Parsons Interiors Ltd family and staff as we unveiled the news to our customers about the strides we've taken.

We have connected with more reliable trades people and added a few more suppliers to our list.

We also invested into new technology which abeles us to present to you your space and projects in 2D, 3D and rendering drawings are also available for you to be able to visualize your dream to reality.

Our new website was developed and a product icon folder was added in order to help you pick out products easier with a click of a button.

Both of which will ensure our customers continue to receive exceptional service and support.

The coming year will be a year of major advancements and excitement. We can't wait to share in that journey with you! For now, we wish you all Happy Holidays, and a Happy and Healthy New Year! See you all in 2020!

Warmest regards,
Jackie Connolly and staff

